Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy Card Day!

I am not able to make any cards today, but I did help my son decorate an old plastic fireman's hat for his Crazy Hat Day coming up on Monday at school. 
The design was totally his!

My little Sony Cybershot died last week. 
I went shopping and came home with a Sony a55 DSLR and I am LOVING it. 
I am finally able to capture some sports moments. 

I practiced on the dog for several days. 
She got a new haircut last week.  We had never shaved her before.
I laughed for two days every time I looked at her, but I am getting used to it now. 
The groomer had to go shorter than planned to even her out b/c she was matted.
SO much less hair in the house!!


After shot with new camera: 

Hope you are gettin' crafty today!
Now that my new camera is up and running, I'll have lots of Halloween cards to share soon!

1 comment:

Thanks for visiting. Comments are so appreciated and uplifting. Have a Blessed Day!